Optimise your productivity by studying your big bags in relation to your new emptying / filling station

Do you consider the acquisition of new conditioning equipment for bulk products?
If so, we strongly recommend you analyse the parameters of your big bags in relation to your emptying or filling station. 


SO BAG, as a manufacturer of FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container), offers its customers tailor-made products suitable for specific applications. However, our expert team notes that the choice of big bags is often made a posteriori. Sometimes, when visiting our clients’ production sites, we observe that their processing performance could have been more efficient if the package had been studied in parallel with the emptying or filling station. 

To find out more, we invite you to contact Palamatic Process, our partner that specialises in the design of powder and bulk product handling equipment. www.palamaticprocess.fr/blog/questions-reponses-sur-la-manutention-big-bag  




ZI de la Fiolle
Rue Claude Boucher
71450 Blanzy - France
 +33(0)3 58 41 00 41