Discover SO BAG's environmental advances: An Inspiring 2023 Report

Discover SO BAG's 2023 Environmental Report, which highlights our ongoing sustainability efforts in the big bag industry. This document reveals our significant progress in reducing our carbon footprint, with 100% of our electricity coming from renewable sources and the installation of 484 solar panels. It also discusses our advanced water management, innovative recycling strategies, and ambitious commitments for the future, such as reducing GHG emissions by 50% by 2030. Join us in our environmental journey and download the report to explore how we are turning challenges into sustainable opportunities.


Welcome to Our Transparent and Proactive Commitment to a Sustainable Future


SO BAG invites you to explore its 2023 Environmental Report. This document is not just a summary of our actions, but a window into our ongoing efforts to minimize our ecological impact and maximize our environmental efficiency.


1. Innovation and Energy Performance

This year we have taken significant steps towards reducing our carbon footprint:

100% renewable electricity: Thanks to our partnership with Gazel Energie, all our electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.

Installation of 484 solar panels: These installations will cover 30% of our annual consumption, demonstrating our commitment to clean energy.


2. Water Management

We faced and overcame a number of challenges, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable water management:

Successful repair of our rainwater harvesting facility, re-establishing an essential system for our green operations.

Renewed partnership with Suez for optimal wastewater management, ensuring safe and compliant disposal of liquid waste.


3. Waste Reduction and Circular Economy

Our waste management strategy illustrates our proactive approach and tangible results:

Recovery of materials: Innovative recycling of products such as polyester and silicone.

Partnership with TchaoMegot to recycle cigarette butts into insulation, saving valuable resources and reducing CO2 emissions.


4. Commitments for the Future

Our targets for the coming years are ambitious and aligned with global initiatives:

Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels.

Increase the use of recycled or renewable materials in our production to 50%.

Reduce our water consumption by 20% by 2025.


Why Read This Report?

This report is not just a document; it's an invitation to take part in our journey towards sustainability. Each page shows you how we are turning our challenges into opportunities for lasting positive impact. Your reading, support, and commitment are essential as we continue our mission to protect our planet.

We encourage you to download and read the full SO BAG Environmental Report 2023, which is available on our website. Together, let's continue to work towards a greener and fairer future.


Download the SO BAG Environmental Report


By engaging with our report, you are joining a community that values concrete actions and measurable results in the fight against global environmental challenges. Thank you for supporting us in this essential initiative.


Environmental Report



ZI de la Fiolle
Rue Claude Boucher
71450 Blanzy - France
 +33(0)3 58 41 00 41